French Radio

Listen to real French in action LIVE on on French Radio! 


It's also taking part in French life and culture and being informed about what's happening around the country: Politics, Cultural events, Sports, Finance and business.

You can really improve your French and your general cultural knowledge by listening to French radio stations.

There's no better way to become informed about everyday life in France than to connect via the internet and listen to various French radio stations on-line.

To begin listening to French radio programs just click on the links below each station listed. You will be forwarded directly to the radio station's main home page.

Plug in your head phones and turn the sound up of your speakers and enjoy listening to French!

Check out the following French radio stations:

National radios of the public utility

The most common and famous radio stations are ruled or controlled by a French State Independent company in charge of regulation.

These French radio stations are mostly state radios. They offer and cover a broad variety of different themes :

Radio France

Click here to visit the radio france web site

This radio station is exclusively intended for general news in all domains in France and Worldwide.

To know the main headlines around the world, major events and real time evolution, listen this radio.

France Inter

France Inter

Click here to visit the France Inter web site

France Musiques

France musique

Click here to visit the France Musique web site

This radio specialises in everything about classical music and old-fashioned music. This famous French radio also transmits live classical concerts.

France Culture

France culture

Click here to visit the France Culture web site

France Culture is a radio specializing in all the cultural events in France and abroad. Great for lovers of festivals and theatre.



Click here to visit the FIP web site

FIP is a french radio specializing in classical and contemporary music, events and interviews about this music (jazz, blues..).

Le Mouv'

le mouv.jpg

Click here to visit the Le Mouv' web site

Le Mouv' is a radio mainly aimed at a young people.

This French radio station proposes numerous reports on the customs of French youth (tendencies, fashion..), and also plays a lot of new, modern music.


Click here to visit the RFI web site

Radio International France follows international current events - cultural as well as economic or diplomatic. The interface is well-presented, with an unmistakable editorial quality.

The private national radios


Click here to visit the RTL web site

This radio is well-known for its live comedy shows and reviews about French culture.

Europe 1

Click here to visit the Europe 1 web site

Europe 1 is a multi-cultural radio dedicated to debates on society issues and political interviews. This station is connected to her younger sister Europe 2.

RMC Infos

Click here to visit the RMC web site

RMC means Radio Monte Carlo.

RMC Info radio is based in Monaco and broadcasts its programs all over France.

Mainly listened to in summer it remains nevertheless the priority radio in the Principauté of Monaco. RMC is also a TV Chanel.

Sud Radio

Click here to visit the Sud Radio web site

Sud Radio is the official radio of the South of France and transmits in the southern area from Montpelier to Nice.

Mainly concentrating on regional and local news in all areas of interest, you can nevertheless listen to News flashes and general information every hour.


Click here to visit the NRJ web site

NRJ means new radio of the young people. This station has always fuelled controversy since its creation.

Thousands of people came down to the streets to save this radio station when it was threatened with closure by the government. It is the most-listened to private French radio station.


Click here to visit the RTL 2 web site

Rtl 2 is an old-fashioned radio station which plays soft rock and live concerts. You can also be informed about movie news and cultural events throughout France.

Europe 2

Click here to visit the Europe 2 web site

Europe 2 is specializes in European current events generally and broadcasts live interviews. This station also plays a lot of Music. It is the younger sister of Europe 1.


Click here to visit the Skyrock web site

Skyrock is a radio station which you can listen to anywhere in France.

It's dedicated to young people and plays musical novelties of moment. This radio plays mostly Rap music and Hip-hop. Definitively a radio station for the young!

Chéérie FM

Click here to visit the Cherie fm web site

Chérie FM is a small radio station dedicated to all music styles. You can listen from Jazz to all modern genres and is perfect to listen to in your garden during summer to improve tour French!

Fun Radio

Click here to visit the Fun radio web site

Fun Radio is also a radio station for the younger generation, specialising in all modern and commercial music (rap, hip hop ragga....). Well-known for social radio shows (French Big Brother for example).